Dog sitting in car drivers seat

Should I give CBD to my pet and if so why hasn’t my Vet told me about it?

Articles about CBD products have cropped up everywhere over the last few years boasting of the health and wellness benefits for both humans & pets. The confusing part for pet owners is that their vets aren’t talking about it at all. If CBD is so good for humans and pets, why are their vets completely silent about it?
CBD for pets is a growing market with a whole list of benefits for our beloved furry friends, but changing laws and restrictions are also involved and your veterinarian must adhere to them as a medical professional. This article will discuss some of the most common questions and concerns about CBD that pet owners are asking. It will give you some basic facts and benefits, then, if you think you want to know more, we’ll give you a source of more information.
What is CBD?
As we are sure you already know but will review just to be sure: CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in both the cannabis and hemp plants. And because they come from two different plant sources, you will have some slight variations, but luckily, both CBD from Marijuana and Hemp may provide your pet with an abundance of  wellness benefits.
The main difference is THC. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the compound that gives marijuana its psychoactive properties. Most CBD does not contain THC at all, and if it does, it will have trace amounts (.3% is the maximum amount of THC permitted in CBD products). Additionally, most CBD products come from hemp and not from marijuana, and for that reason, THC isn’t a big issue as it relates to hemp-derived products.
Understanding what CBD can do for your pet’s wellness is easier if you know what CBD is and how it’s used for YOU. What scientists know is that cannabidiol (CBD) interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors located in the central and peripheral nervous systems in our bodies and/or in our pet’s bodies too.
These receptors help maintain balance in the body and keep it in a healthy state. Like many treatments that we give to our pets, it’s hard for us to tell if what we are giving them is going to work. But since human and pet endocannabinoid receptors are similar, we can learn a lot by looking at how CBD works with humans. You may find comfort in knowing that we can help our pets to feel better too.
Is CBD Safe For My Pet?
For safety issues, we start by turning to a professional. Dr. Zac Pilossoph, who is a nationally recognized veterinary  medical professional and leader in the field of veterinary cannabis education Dr. Pilossoph does all the pet-related CBD training for the CBD Training Academy. He understands that the medical profession is restricted in  sharing much of the information on CBD for pets. But why is that?
According to Dr. Pilossoph, the American Veterinarian Council (AVC) “prohibits a
licensed veterinarian from dispensing or administering cannabis or cannabis products to an animal patient.” Even though the 2018 Farm Bill legalized and loosened the restrictions on hemp-derived CBD by removing it from Schedule I, restrictions on veterinarians to discuss, recommend and prescribe CBD for pets still exists. Despite the limitations, the AVC always encourages pet owners to review CBD use with their Vets because Vets ARE allowed to discuss the facts relevant to their own pet’s health.
How Does CBD Work?
Scientists know that cannabinoids (CBD) interact with the endocannabinoid receptors located in the central and peripheral nervous systems of both humans & pets. The endocannabinoid receptors help maintain balance in the body and keep it in a normal healthy state.
CBD is a compound found in both Marijuana and Hemp plants. The main difference is in the quantity and strength of the THC component. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the compound that gives marijuana its psychoactive properties but the amount of THC is dramatically lower when it’s derived from Hemp vs Marijuana. Legally in order to be sold at all CBD must contain only .03% THC and as a result, CBD oil from Hemp is non-psychotropic (which is substantially below the amount needed to induce any mind-altering effects).
What Are The Benefits Of CBD For My Pet?
Pet owners have indicated that consistent use of CBD can help in the treatment of
certain types of seizures, to control pain, inflammation, nausea, and vomiting, stimulate their pet’s appetite, and manage anxiety—something that will come in handy around the 4th of July!
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is believed that CBD has benefits that alleviate pain and discomfort when taken by humans. We know that human and pet endocannabinoid systems are very similar; so it’s not a stretch to assume that what makes humans well, may also make our pets better too.
A number of uses & potential benefits are currently being studied. According to many leading veterinary professionals, the benefits of CBD for our pets may include controlling nausea, stimulating the appetite, reducing anxiety, heart-related benefits as well as cancer-preventing benefits as well. Just remember that the clinical trials for CBD use with pets are ongoing so the related claims are very early as well; however, we do have a large number of first-hand testimonials to support the use of CBD in pets.
What Are the Side Effects of CBD?
Here lies the “gray zone” of CBD use and something that may make medical
professionals less likely to want to talk about using CBD for our pets. Without definitive results from multiple clinical trials testing CBD for pets, it is best to look at the potential side effects for your dog or cat based on how CBD affects humans.
Some potential side-effects and cautions to consider:
● Dry mouth
● Lowered blood pressure
● Drowsiness
● To minimize any side effects or potential risks, start by following the correct dosing on the package.
● Many pet CBD users find it helpful to keep a log of which CBD was used and the dosage administered, so they can keep track of what works and what doesn’t
work as well.
What Should I Look For When Buying CBD?
Always check the labels! Like any good pet parent, you want to make sure that you are giving your animals the best quality products for their health and wellness. Do you price shop when it comes to your health? Well, then consider that higher-quality CBD may cost more and start by reading the label. Also, a good quality CBD product should have a Certificate of Analysis or a “COA” in which an independent company has tested and certified that what you are buying is what the seller says it is. Redwing a product’s COA is a good way to confirm that there aren’t any additives and toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides, or heavy metals in the product. A good, qualified manufacturer should provide a COA whenever the product is displayed for sale. Also, many CBD products contain only small amounts of CBD. You want to make sure that what you are buying is the real thing and a COA will help you determine that you’re getting what you paid for.
CBD is Both Legal and Safe
The latest CBD studies appear to indicate that CBD is safe for our pets to take, even when taken in higher doses and over long periods. CBD oil and treats for pets that
come from the hemp plant are legal in all 50 states so you can rest easy about the
legalities of it. Plus, CBD derived from hemp plants will contain none or very little traces of THC. The bottom line is that CBD oil can be healthy and even lifesaving, depending on the needs of your pet.
Your Next Steps
The good news is that CBD is an all-natural wellness treatment that you may want to consider for your pet – whether they are experiencing symptoms like separation anxiety or even more severe conditions for which
nothing else has worked. You should not ever expect CBD to be a “cure-all”, but it might put your pet on the path to wellness and improved health for some illnesses or anxiety they are experiencing. At the very least, CBD may help relieve some of your pet’s symptoms and make life easier for them. If you’d like to try CBD for your dog, cat, or even your horse, here are some final reminders:
Talk to your Vet first. Many Vets do have information on pet studies with CBD
and most importantly, they can advise you on how much CBD to give to your animal based on the breed and type of pet.
Start Slow. Many CBD pet products allow you to dose small – 1 mg of CBD per 10 lbs of body weight is an accepted dosing standard for pets. It’s always a good idea to start on the “low side” and work your way up until you see how your pet reacts to the CBD. If you keep track of your pet’s reaction to CBD it will make it easier for you to meter how much and when you should give your pet more CBD.
Stay with your pet for 2-3 hours after giving them CBD for the first time.
While CBD is non-toxic, it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on your pet after introducing something new to their diet.
Learn more: Take the time to take a class about Pets and CBD – one is available for free from CBD Effects here
(courtesy of CBD Training Academy).